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Smartphone Apps And Payday Loans Making Banking Easier

Payday loans have become another excuse for not cutting back on spending. Some people claim that it is just too difficult to do, while others...

Knowing the Basics About Your Student Loans

I recently read an article giving advice on what students should do with their student loans right around graduation time. The tips sounded pretty...

FinChoice: Comprehensive Lender Review | Friendly Finance

FinChoice Lender Guide  FinChoice originated...

Reasons Why Cash Advances Will Work To Pay Bills

Online cash advances are in the news more often than not for something negative. The report might be concerning a lender being investigated for...

Payday Loans: Responsible Lending and Borrowing

Payday loans are a great source for quick cash when you need a little extra until you receive your next paycheck. Particularly, many people...

Must Read Stories


Moving the Nation’s Capital Out of the District of Columbia. An Idea Whose Time Has Come?

People's Republic, Kurt Schlichter's post-apocalyptic novel, posits a breakdown of the American Republic as the Blue States collapse under the weight of woke politics...

My deer stand is an all-night restaurant for wild pigs

If you've never been deer hunting, you may think the sport involves creeping around the woods looking for a deer to shoot. After all,...

Michelle Obama should get her royal self to Trump’s inauguration ceremony

What did anyone do to Michelle Obama that gives her an excuse not to attend Trump's inauguration ceremony next week?  Did anyone tell Michelle to sit...


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