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Reasons Why Cash Advances Will Work To Pay Bills

Online cash advances are in the news more often than not for something negative. The report might be concerning a lender being investigated for...

Knowing the Basics About Your Student Loans

I recently read an article giving advice on what students should do with their student loans right around graduation time. The tips sounded pretty...

Addressing 11 common benefits questions after open enrollment

You should never not be communicating with your employees about the benefits available to them. Whether you’ve finished open enrollment, you’re in it now, or...

Credit Score Problems Do Not Effect Payday Loan Status

It is well known that credit bureau scores do not matter to approve you for an online payday loan. The loans are a simple...

Pay Off Payday Loans To Begin Your Fight Against Debt

Falling behind on your credit cards, online payday loans, car payments, or home mortgage? Financial stress can interfere with your physical and mental health. Your...

Must Read Stories


Introducing NCLC’s Student Loan Toolkit

Whether you are just starting your student loan journey or have been dealing with student loan debt for decades, you can use NCLC’s newly...

Donald Trump is not a rapist. But you already knew that.

 ABC and George Stephanopoulos settled Donald Trump's defamation lawsuit for $15 million to be paid as a donation to Trump's future presidential foundation. Stephanopoulos...

Michelle Obama should get her royal self to Trump’s inauguration ceremony

What did anyone do to Michelle Obama that gives her an excuse not to attend Trump's inauguration ceremony next week?  Did anyone tell Michelle to sit...


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