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Can Payday Loans Solve Your Money Problems?

Financial emergencies and money problems can strike at any time in the fast-paced world of today,...

Smartphone Apps And Payday Loans Making Banking Easier

Payday loans have become another excuse for not cutting back on spending. Some people claim that it is just too difficult to do, while others...

Payday Loans: Responsible Lending and Borrowing

Payday loans are a great source for quick cash when you need a little extra until you receive your next paycheck. Particularly, many people...

Pay Off Payday Loans To Begin Your Fight Against Debt

Falling behind on your credit cards, online payday loans, car payments, or home mortgage? Financial stress can interfere with your physical and mental health. Your...

Corinthian students get a guide from the U.S. government

The Consumer Finance Protection Bureau (CFPB) recently released a guide for students of the schools formerly owned by Corinthian. If you borrowed student loan...

Must Read Stories


Introducing NCLC’s Student Loan Toolkit

Whether you are just starting your student loan journey or have been dealing with student loan debt for decades, you can use NCLC’s newly...

My deer stand is an all-night restaurant for wild pigs

If you've never been deer hunting, you may think the sport involves creeping around the woods looking for a deer to shoot. After all,...

A Dummy’s Guide To Tex-Mex Restaurants

I grew up in western Oklahoma, a region unknown for its cuisine. Even as a small child, I longed for spicy food, but the...


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