Payday loans have become another excuse for not cutting back on spending. Some people claim that it is just too difficult to do, while others just down and out refuse to cutback. Lifestyle is about choices, and some people choose to keep their lifestyle while swimming in debt. Let it be known, it will catch up to you.
Be Smart with a Payday Loan and Your Smartphone
Phone apps to the rescue! Applications for smartphones have grown into a booming business where you can put games, puzzles, maps, and even accomplish banking duties right in the palm of your hand. In fact, did you know you could apply for an online payday loan from one too? There is no app for that, but there are ones to help you keep track of your budget.
Mint.com Personal Finance, Intuit Inc., is capable of keeping track of all of your money. You can sync it with your bank account on setting up, and as long as you enter the information correctly, this app will keep track and break down every expense, whether paid by cash, check, or credit card. This app will keep the score between your income and your spending. Because Intuit Inc. also owns Turbo Tax, this app will integrate with the tax program come tax time.
See Which App Works Best With your Lifestyle
Another great budget app is Easy Envelope Budget Aid by Dayspring Technologies follows the old budgeting method of separating your budget into envelopes to keep track of each category. Many households survived using this method over the years, and now the app will allow you to set up digital envelopes. You will log each expense in the proper envelope, and the app will keep track. Couples can even have this app synced so each person can log the expense, and it will show up on the other’s data and website accordingly.
More Apps To Choose From
PayPal by PayPal Mobile is a phone app version of the online payment service. You can send money to other PayPal users from your account by using e-mail or text. You can also request payment in the same manner. The app will also transfer funds from your bank account into your PayPal account or from your PayPal account into your bank account. When you tap on the “Local” icon, a map view of nearby merchants that accept PayPal will show up.
Perfect your budget to keep the need for payday loans out of your banking.
Today’s society keeps us moving, and smartphones have enabled many of us to get back in control of personal banking. We need to take advantage of the technology available at our fingertips, so we don’t miss an opportunity to better our finances.
With the most recent pandemic of the Coronavirus, many banks have adjusted their limits so that you can use mobile banking for most transactions. It’s nice because you don’t have to drive to the bank as often, and usually, funds that you deposit via the app on your phone will be available the next business day. I think the only advantage of bringing that check to the bank versus mobile deposit is that a couple hundred of dollars may be available immediately. It all depends on your good history and/or the current bank balance.
Spotya! Makes it Convenient Too
Spotya! grows with technology. No longer do we need faxed bank statements. Rarely do customers need to send over the bank statement to get approved. Most of the process is automated and takes minutes to see an approval will be made. When you get an alert from your bank that the balance is below your set safe amount, know that you have one more option to get funds into your bank quickly while you wait for payday. Online payday loans are convenient and low cost when it saves your account from overdraft fees or prevents other creditors’ late fees. Spotya.com is a responsible lender providing professional and courteous customer service for that payday advance.